Get all the discussions, tasks and files on the same platform
Organize your team on the site and validate completion
Project managers
Plan the project with agility and track tasks completion
Track tasks completion and time spent with your team
Get a global view on your projects and collaborate easily
BIM managers
Coordinate discipline BIM models in IFC and BCF
Share easily important files about the project like pdf documents, IFC export of the model, site images or Excel sheets.
Review your BIM model in IFC directly in the browser and track the tasks resolutions.
Centralize the project info
Get the summary of the project state and the important info about all your projects

Daniel Sellam-Kazoula
Architect & project manager
ENIA / France
“BRICKS allows you to have several modes of representation of the tasks to be accomplished, past and future milestones, and thus to have a real project dashboard that uses the power of today's tools.”

Trevor McHugh
Senior VDC & BIM Manager
Bird Construction / Canada
“Most AEC companies use a traditional waterfall workflow when designing for BIM. Bricks is a custom tool for successfully adopting the agile framework for BIM projects.”

Laurent Gabriel
Designer - Site Supervisor
Deillon-Delley / Switzerland
"BRICKS import the BCFs files and allows to share with the team the topics to be improved on a project. The phases are integrated in the management of the topics and corresponds to the business practices."
Simple and flat price
Unlimited users
50GB file storage
All in Bricks Big plus
Validation checklist
Zapier automations
Custom templates (soon)
15 users
15GB file storage
All in Bricks Small plus
BCF management
Time tracking
Contacts directory (Soon)